Door One from The Advent Book, available at www.adventbook.com.
Horchow Catalog asked Jack to bring the three-foot Santa doll to life for a cover illustration.
Junior Juice was looking for a Beatrice Potter feel for its new juice product packaging. Jack was asked to help create the characters.
Hansel and Gretel was commissioned for use in a music book for Silver Burdett/Ginn
Real leaves and a button were used in this rooster illustration.
A Maxfield Parrish influence is obvious in this cover illustration for The Greatest Gift, a Christmas book with twenty-one paintings.
Click on book to order it from Amazon.com -
Over 250,000 copies of Benjamin’s Box have been sold.
Click on book to order it from http://shop.celebrationsandtraditions.com/main.sc -
Kara Fairy
Anthropomorphic animals have always been a favorite subject matter for Jack. These cover illustrations were done for a series of study guides on lifestyles.
Paper airplanes are a passion of Jack’s, inspiring him to illustrate a book using paper planes which Jack designed with his son, Shea.
Door Three of The Advent Book by Jack and Kathy Stockman
Designed to encourage inclusion of Cracker Jacks in Easter baskets.
Black Angel
Cover Illustration for Tolkien’s Ordinary Virtues:
Exploring the Spiritual Themes of the Lord of the Rings
Intervarsity Press -
Cover Illustration for Tolkien’s Ordinary Virtues:
Exploring the Spiritual Themes of the Lord of the Rings
Intervarsity Press